Sunday, July 13, 2008

Budo Zen Art Grand Opening Festival in Claremont, CA: Sept 19-21, 2008!!
Curator: John StevensGallery
Director: Susan PerryS
ponsored by: Aiko Institute

Budo Zen Art is an online gallery of Japanese Zen Calligraphy.

BZA is a new site operated by Susan Perry and John Stevens who both have practiced Aikido for over 30 years. Old time friends who love the Eastern calligraphic arts, they have made this website to bring scrolls to others. John handpicks the scrolls in Japan and Susan manages the website, telephone calls and sales.
Please visit regularly!
Call Susan Perry anytime at 909.624.7770, leave a message. Gallery Office Hours: Tues & Thursdays (9:00 AM to 5PM PST).
To leave a message for Susan Perry, you can email her at

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Holland Summer Camp

This year is the 20th anniversary of the Classical Aikido Summer Camp or Zomerstage as they call it in Holland for Classical Aikidoists with Sensei John Stevens.

Aikidoists from all over the world travel to participate.

This is a short video of the highlights of some of the activities in 2005.

I hope you enjoy it.

Click here to see it. I wasn't able to embed it.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Yoseikan Aikido clip

This is from a TV show segment on Yoseikan Aikido. It gives some interesting history and has some cute kids in it.

There aresome philosophical dfferences in their training from what we do but the clip has some good info on the history of Aikido & the connection with Onisaburo Deguchi the founder of Omoto Kyo.




Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Aikido & Diet 1

If we applied the principle of Aiki to our diet how would we eat?

Keeping Colon Cancer At Bay: Diet Matters
What about after you’ve been diagnosed with colon cancer? Does what you eat matter?
Home » ePerspective » Keeping Colon Cancer At Bay: Diet Matters
Numerous studies have linked dietary factors, such as high intakes of red meat, with a higher risk of getting colon cancer, but scientists wanted to know: “What about after you’ve been diagnosed with colon cancer? Does what you eat matter? Can a healthier diet keep the cancer from returning?”
Quite possibly, indicates newly published research in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Scientists from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston assessed the dietary habits of 1,009 men and women recently diagnosed with stage III colon cancer and six months after completion of cancer treatment.
Western Diet
The researchers then followed the patients for more than five years to see who suffered a recurrence of colon cancer – and who didn’t. They found that patients who most closely adhered to a Western dietary pattern (high intakes of meat, fat, refined grains, and dessert) were 3.25-times more likely to see the cancer return or to die from any cause compared to patients least likely to follow a Western-style diet.
“This is the first study, to our knowledge, in a potentially cured population of colon cancer survivors to address the effect of diet,” noted lead investigator Jeffrey A. Meyerhardt, MD, MPH, and colleagues.
“The data suggest that a diet characterized by higher intakes of red and processed meats, sweets and desserts, french fries, and refined grains increases the risk of cancer recurrence and decreases survival.”
JAMA. 2007; 298: 754.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Saito Sensei from 1991

Here is a video of a Demo for Kanagawa University Martial Arts clubs 30 year anniversary, filmed by Tom Huffman in early 1991.