Budo Zen Art Grand Opening Festival in Claremont, CA: Sept 19-21, 2008!!
Curator: John StevensGallery
Director: Susan PerryS
ponsored by: Aiko Institute
BZA is a new site operated by Susan Perry and John Stevens who both have practiced Aikido for over 30 years. Old time friends who love the Eastern calligraphic arts, they have made this website to bring scrolls to others. John handpicks the scrolls in Japan and Susan manages the website, telephone calls and sales.
Please visit regularly!
Call Susan Perry anytime at 909.624.7770, leave a message. Gallery Office Hours: Tues & Thursdays (9:00 AM to 5PM PST).
To leave a message for Susan Perry, you can email her at info@budozenart.com.
Call Susan Perry anytime at 909.624.7770, leave a message. Gallery Office Hours: Tues & Thursdays (9:00 AM to 5PM PST).
To leave a message for Susan Perry, you can email her at info@budozenart.com.